Tag Archive : website translation services

The Importance Of Localization and What You Need To Know About It

When we talk about website translation services, it goes without saying that we are living in an age where globalization is taking place at a rapid rate. It is not unknown that the Coronavirus pandemic has led to the increased popularity of the digital platform both amongst consumers as well as businesses. Be it work from home or lockdown restrictions, people have shifted a lot of activities to the digital platform.

The number of Internet users has grown and quite naturally, businesses are also targeting the Internet for business marketing and promotions as well as sales. This has created a global marketplace that is extremely profitable for different kinds of businesses, enterprises, and brands. However, adapting to the local needs and trends to better reach the target audience has become more important than ever. This brings us to the need for website translation services. 

In this blog, we will talk about the need for translation services for websites or web pages and we will also point out a few effective techniques of translating a website. While opting for the best website translation service can be the perfect way to translate a website, we will also discuss a few other ways to translate a website and all other important details about website translation, which you must know about. 

When Do You Need To Translate A Website? 

When we talk about translating a website, the first thing that we need to talk about is website localization. It is essential that any website’s content is made available across all languages, especially when it is an international brand or business. If you are targeting the global marketplace for business growth, then website translation is something that you must pay attention to and complete, as soon as possible. 

Content is the foundation to the success of any modern marketing campaign and in the content economy, website translation is extremely essential. Making your website localized has a critical role in the growth and success of your business. Translating your business site or particular service pages into different other languages will help you avoid limiting your business’ reach and potential for growth.  

Opting for website translation services to translate your website content into other widely used languages is the best way to leverage the potential of website localization. The best website translation service will ensure maximum efficiency through advanced translation technologies for the common CMS systems, whichever might be powering your business website. 

Your content will be more presentable to the global audience after being localized through translations. It will also successfully adopt the cultural norms and practices of your international target audience which has a huge impact on potential customers. 

Opting for website translation services to translate your website content into other widely used languages is the best way to leverage the potential of website localization. The best website translation service will ensure maximum efficiency through advanced translation technologies for the common CMS systems, whichever might be powering your business website. 

Your content will be more presentable to the global audience after being localized through translations. It will also successfully adopt the cultural norms and practices of your international target audience which has a huge impact on potential customers. 

What Is Website Localization And How It Helps? 

Website localization often referred to as “L10N,” is what is also the general process of translation of a website into the local language of the target audience. Localization of websites is not just the translation of the words on the page but also covers a range of other areas. A combination of all of them leads to the successful localization of content. It is extremely beneficial when a business is trying to grow in the international markets and enhances the international reach of a business. 
Along with the translation of words, let us look at the other areas covered by website translation services or website localization process: 

  • Appropriate images optimized for the local audiences.
  • Optimizing the site page layout to support the localized site language format.
  • Considering and integrating the cultural norms and values of a particular region.
  • Updates of measurement units like date and time formats according to local conventions.

How do Website Translation Services help? 

It is a common occurrence that any website, which is natively designed for the local audiences is more popular than other international competitors in the same market, location, and industry. Localization and translation services ensure that a particular site or page as well as the products and services of a business appears and feel like they are originally created for the target locality. 

It helps target customers relate with a particular business and its products, services, and message. It enhances the reach of a business in the global markets and enhances the engagement of the site with its target audience. Being able to communicate with native speakers through their native language also improves the brand authority and reputation helping transform the business dynamics and growth index. 

How To Translate A Website or Web Page? 

Let us now talk about the best ways to translate a website or web page. 

Human translation

One of the key aspects of website translation is maintaining relevance and context. Human translation for a multilingual website is the best way to maintain relevance and context. The context in language can be tricky and is often implied rather than being explicitly mentioned in words. Professional human translators understand the context and can ensure the best website translation service for maximum success. 

From understanding idioms to relating with the local cultural norms, and then integrating them with the key purpose of the website content, it is a great way to translate a website for the target local audience. Human translation ensures accuracy as well as is very nuanced. 

Machine translation

AI and Machine Learning are reigning in the world of technology right now. Quite naturally, machine translation (MT) is executed by AI and ML-enabled automated software. This software is designed to efficiently and accurately translate the source content into the target language. 

It is a valuable tool for translation purposes of specific content like product descriptions which undergo frequent changes and do not have many nuances, subtle implications, and meanings. Different MT engines can be suitable for different types of translation. 

Opting For Website Translation Services 

Website translation services are the most effective, useful, and value-for-money choice when it comes to website translation. Hiring a reputable translation company can be the best option for translating a website. It helps you save time, effort and returns the best value for your investment. They offer foolproof, accurate, and user-oriented translation services covering all aspects of website localization. 

Vanan Translation is a leading translation company offering the best website translation service for all kinds of needs. Get in touch with them for an accurate translation of your business website and conquer the global marketplace. 

A translator might encounter various issues when translating a website. Businesses need to integrate by translating a varied amount of information into their websites so that it gives just enough information to the consumer. Garrulous rant can end up debasing the consumers’ short-attention-span and thus interest in the product. However, a short description might not incorporate the necessary information to peak the consumers’ interest. As a result business content needs to be translated with particular intent and audacity to incorporate the ideals of the business.

The Three Types of Websites

There are three types of sites dedicated to businesses:

Informational websites – Provides information on products. One such website is specification websites that provide information on mobile phones, and laptops. One can see it invariably linking to an online shopping website as such translation is of necessity. Informational websites can be lengthy but also provide for a quick read. Translation can include facts, figures, pictograms, and pictures.

Promotional websites – Promotional websites provide content promotion. Many businesses employ content and blog writers to promote a business. This also incorporates FAQs, social media posts, and even promotional pictures. 

Commercial websites – The goal is to sell a product, therefore to put potential customers in contact with a range of service providers.

Challenges in business website translation service

1. Setting Up and Sustaining Localized Websites

The first step in translating a website is setting up distinct, native websites where translations can be hosted. This problem is highly complex and highly costly, and the cost is recurring: translated websites must be maintained and updated over time, which requires incessant effort and technical backing.

2. Getting Content Translated and Managed

Translation can provide numerous difficulties. The process of translation is inexplicably linked to the purpose of translation – localization, internalization, or globalization. The translator needs to take cultural references, colloquialism, and jargon into account – such that the language favors a specific purpose. Spanish website translation is vastly different from Japanese website translation. Similarly, German website translation is different from, let’s say, Arabic Website translation. 

Along with the above-mentioned challenge, the challenge of mining content from a website’s content management system (CMS) for translation can be a highly intricate and grueling task. Often it means remarkable amounts of copying and pasting, and digital files can get misplaced or corrupted in the course. Generally, the process of content management might be considered as equally difficult as the process of translation.

3. Minute Details: Accuracy, Cost, and Turnovers

When translating a website for businesses, the concept for the context should be provided accurately. A website may be translated into a dozen different languages with actual website content being a thousand webpages in length. The website translation services cost for the meteoric task, such as one mentioned above, can take its toll on businesses. Similarly, during a product launch or announcement of events websites need to be translated into myriad global languages and released within specified deadlines which might be of a challenge in itself.

4. Contents Need to Be Updated and Synced

Websites change often and quickly, and content on websites needs to be translated each time. This means that content has to be circulated to translators, localized with accuracy, and then the newly translated content must be integrated into those sites, replacing the translations that were made earlier. Updating contents on the tandem and maintaining all of the sites in sync is an extremely complex process–as such creating more room for errors.

The Solution – Website Localisation Translation Services

A LISA (Localization Industry Standards Association) study demonstrated that for every $1 spent on localization by businesses, they saw a $25 (approx.) return of investment. This should help businesses see the broader picture of conducting business in the present scenario. Website localization translation services help you in this regard. 

Besides supporting hundreds of global languages, website translation services also provide translation for promotional, informational, or commercial websites. Business translation services in concordance with Expert native translators provide accurate translation and prove to be helping hand in making a global impact. Translated content can be linked through content management systems (CMS) such that there is seamless integration between content and websites, essentially protecting your data. This also allows for the rapid and synchronized update of website contents. All this and more exclusively with translation services for websites.