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Translation Services in Texas

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Texas Translation Services

Vanan Translation Agency provides Online Translation Services and Localization Services in Texas. We offer best quality and accurate language translation service at competitive prices for our Texas clients. For document translation, our rates begin at $0.10 per word. We translate vital documents at $25 per page and offer audio translation services at $7.00 per minute. To receive your complimentary quote, please call 1-800-230-7918.

Online Translation Service in Texas

Top Industries in Texas

Texas is the 2nd largest city in US with the population of about 26,059,203 estimated in 2012 which ranks to be 2nd most populated state. This state contributes to the 2nd highest GSP of about $1.207 trillion in US. The abundance in natural resources thrive the cities to enormous economic development. There are many farms in Texas and cattle are the major agricultural product. Fishing industry in addition to agriculture contributes to the major Texas’s economy.

Professional Translation Services in Texas

Our Texas Professional Translators are experts in

In addition of our certified translation services are

Multilingual Translation Services in Texas

Our native translators convert from more than 250 languages in and out of English. We are specialized in


✓ Affordable Prices
✓ Supports all file formats
✓ Fast Turnaround
✓ High Accuracy

Top Translation Services Texas

If considered a sovereign, Texas would take the spot of the 10th largest economy in the world. That is equivalent to the level of development in the second biggest state in the US. It is also one of the top-rated tourist attractions. It is a lively and vibrant place with something for everybody ranging from thriving businesses for businessmen, parks and gardens for nature lovers, coastal beaches and mountains for tourists, and endless possibilities of fun and entertainment for the young and old.

Tourist spots worth a visit are Big Bend National Park, Space Center, Houston, The Alamo, Texas State Capitol in Austin, and San Antonio River Walk provide an insight into the state's culture.

The Texas economy has grown notably in the past. It is a diverse economy with major industries, the topmost being petroleum and natural gas, agriculture, farming, banking, steel, tourism, energy, construction, technology, entertainment, and healthcare.

It is, therefore, a promising economy that is bound to grow further, thereby promising growth and expansion opportunities for many. Foreign industries set foot here in a bid to grow and expand in this state that guarantees development along with vibrant and lively life.

Texas translation services coupled with localization of content would be essential for locals and foreigners to connect and communicate. Vanan Translation is here with its impeccable translation services offered by a team of native translators proficient in more than 100 languages at affordable prices.

So, give your business a boost by hiring the most reliable translation services in town. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Contact us for a live quote now.

We translate the following official documents and certificates to and from any languages:

Supported audio, video and digital file formats:

flv, Mp4, Tape, wma, wav, dds, Cassette, AVI, Mp3, vhs, cd, dvd and more.

Supported website source file for webpage translation:

.html, .rtf, .php, .doc, .asp, java, .xml, .txt and more.

Are you looking for same day & rush translation service in Texas?

This is the place to be. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays. Vanan Translation offers reliable, cost effective and satisfied online translating service in Texas.

Translation Services USA, UK, CANADA, AUSTRALIA & More.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Houston, Texas

New York, NY

Dallas, Texas

Detroit, Michigan

Los Angeles, California

Chicago, Illinois

Phoenix, Arizona

San Diego, California

San Antonio, Texass

San Francisco, California

Columbus, Ohio

San Jose, California

Indianapolis, Indiana

Jacksonville, Florida

Charlotte, North Carolina

Fort Worth, Texas

Austin, Texas

Memphis, Tennessee

Baltimore, Maryland

Washington, Columbia

Nashville, Tennessee

Boston, Massachusetts

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

El Paso, Texas

Portland, Oregon

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Seattle, Washington

Denver, Colorado

Las Vegas, Nevada

Long Beach, California

Kansas City, Missouri

Tucson, Arizona

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Atlanta, Georgia

Sacramento, California

Mesa, Arizona

Fresno, California

New Orleans, Louisiana

Cleveland, Ohio

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